Firstly, I don’t hate the new show, I just can’t find myself getting fully invested in it. Had they given it a different title then maybe but the show clearly is not Charmed.
1) The iconic romance between Piper and Leo was one of the things I loved about the old show
2) Whitelighters orb, it’s what I loved about them. I feel like in the first episode when he showed them the effect that it was slap in the face of the fans who wanted to see the orbing effect.
3) Making a sister a lesbian is awesome but I felt like it would have played better with the youngest sister.
4) There is so little chemistry between the sisters, I was expecting the type of family bond I see on Jane the Virgin
5) Piper’s power was to slow down molecules not actually stop time and whitelighters were affected. Now it’s something totally different. Not to mention it took all of them a significant amount of time to get a hang on their powers because no one adapts to being a with that fast.
6) The way Prue used her power to send people flying was what I loved most about her powers but all Macy does is move objects…lame.
7) It just feels like the show is trying to do everything to quickly, while the original took it’s time and built up its universe.
8) So far I’m not seeing any use for changing the youngest sister’s power from Premonition to Telepathy. Phoebe seeing people suffer really helped her empathize with them and helped her grow as a person. The young one still seems ridiculously shallow.
9) The whitelighter is really annoying, not just because he can’t orb but because Leo followed the girl’s lead while this one is in a power struggle with the middle sister.
10) Also it seems more like the book of shadows is alive now, but in the original the book’s pages were turned by spirits on the other side and the book was spelled so that evil couldn’t touch it and it was connected to the sister’s bond as sisters.
And most importantly, slapping a triquetra on something doesn't make it Charmed.
Again, the show isn’t bad but I don’t think they should have named it charmed because it feels like a gigantic slap in the face to those of us who were big fans of the original.