I have done a lot of research on the Slender Man before actually seeing the movie and because of that, the movie was worse than if I saw it without knowing anything. There were only three scenes that actually caught my interest. They got the aspects of encountering the Slender Man almost all wrong. From the Slender Man showing the victims where he was through a video call on their phones to not putting them into a (knowable trance to the audience) trance. The only scene who got most of the aspects right was the library scene. The lights flickered and went off, the phone call ended abruptly from some kind of interference. The only thing that would've made it completely accurate is the phone flashlight not working (since the Slender Man interferes with electronics) and if the girl had a blank expression on her face and didn't run. Sure it was for more suspense and it was dark, but to make an accurate movie you have to do research beforehand. At least they got the Slender Man's appearance right. Anyway, I do not recommend this movie at all.