It's good But they wrapped the past nd some important scenes very hurriedly. That's the negative abt it. And As the basic concept of the the show is "BEYHADH NAFRAT" viewers can't find it significantly. There is nfrt but it doesn't look beyhadh. This time Maya is crossing no limits. She doesn't look psycho. Makers told that this Maya is more dark than the previous one when the show started. But in the flow her beyhadhness is getting decreased day by day. And we find MAYA MEHROTRA more DARK than MAYA JAI SINGH. Nd after her marriage she left her BLACK CLOTHES. This thing silenty tells that her NAFRAT is getting low. This disappointed me season 1 she ws wearing white. Maya mahrotra's swag is missing. But the thing which I MUST appreciate is in season 1 only Maya was the Game changer Bt here Maya Rudra An Mj are the trio is super. And supporting cast also have done great rajat vrma made his character a power. A youth power. Antara is also doing well. Especially DIYA in the pseudopregnancy scene acted too too too well the track was also amazing. But the Mayra death track was wrapped so fast. And while reveling past it was a bit fast. Means there was a great chance to do. It was xposed at a time insted of this if you would show sime flashbacks pointing present it would be a pleasant treat nd it is nt shown howher dad bro are dead hope 2 see is soon nd the EVILS done wid manvi could be more good.
Brownish hair like in season finale of the last season suit jenny more than this burgundy hair or red .
Nd all the actor s r performing too good. Story is also good.pace is too good.
But we wish to see her feirce avtar in the climax.
Though there r some flaws our heart tells to ignore them and to connect to tge show.
Well performed๐๐๐๐๐