Guys. The ending is the poorest ending of a movie I have ever seen.. the scum bag jack Nicholson is after goes to meet the innocent victim but gets burned alive on the motorway going to meet her. The cops waited with Jack Nicholson but told him he's lost the plot and left him there waiting on his own and called the sting operation off. The cock of a cop his long time coke sniffing bain tells his team that the retired cop Jack Nicholson is a drunk and lost his marbles. The sting operations car drives past the burning pedos car. You see a skull burning in the car. Jack Nicholsons new found romance and self made family turns into heart ache for him as the mother leaves Jack at the end for endangering her daughter. Jack's holding a bottle of whisky mumbling to himself having never known who the child killer was and actually believing his gone nuts. The ending is a 0 out of 10. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME. JACK NICHOLSON IS THE ONLY REASON I WATCHED IT , HE PLAYED HIS PART WELL, JUST ASHAME THAT THE FUNDING RUN OUT. 🏃♂️