I do love Kate Hudson.. (although not a huge Anne Hathaway fan) she typically plays her repetitive character roles well, and I do tend to enjoy the movies she plays in. After all.. Princess Diaries came out when I was just 8yrs old, and I’ve grown up having watched it more times than I’d like to admit. That said, I’ve seen this movie at least thrice since it came out nearly 16 years ago, it’s an entertaining and easy watch rom com when I’m feeling like watching something mindless. However as I age, and with the rise in inflation.. the idea of a “dream wedding” seems like less and less of a dream, and more like a giant headache and price tag, simply for a monotonous “look at us” party, in order to achieve an end result which can be obtained at your local courthouse for less than $300.. or perhaps only a few thousand if you want to dress the part and throw a party. Or.. scratch that, and take a little vacation down south just the two of you.. bring along your wedding apparel, hire a photographer, and you can achieve the same results for a fraction of the price with some beautiful photos on the beach, a tan, and the memory of a vacation/honeymoon/wedding together with margaritas in hand.. instead of a giant debt to start your lives out. I dunno maybe that’s just me. That being said though, the movie is set in 2009 New York City.. where these sort of social events actually matter in the grand scheme of day to day life, far more than they do for someone like me, residing in the capital of Canada lol. The point is, while I do enjoy this movie.. I really can’t relate to it, and I think I speak for pretty much everyone I know when I say, they can’t either. Nobody I know would ever risk sacrificing a lifelong friendship over something as cliché as a wedding.. good friends are hard to come by these days man. All that to say, not a bad movie.. not the best, but definitely entertaining and watchable / re-watchable in my books.