I looooove it! At first I was very weary I didn’t understand it and then it took me a few times to get into it and then finally once I got into it, I was hooked and I’ve binged the entire show I’ve binged three seasons this season that’s not on Netflix I kind of couldn’t get into it because it was sitting like 1875 or something like that, but definitely the executioner the guilty party and solstice are my top three favorite absolutely phenomenal writing twist interns twist interns. I kept me on edge the entire time I’m actually watching season two again guilty party because it’s so gooood! I told my friends about the show your home you gotta watch the show it’s amazing! Word I love how fast I love how fast the executioner kills people or how fast the killer in all the seasons kills and he’s like super fast ninja. He kills really fast he doesn’t talk to you. He doesn’t let you explain. He just has a job that’s it. The teacher got dissected that was crazy I was just like blown away.! .🎵