This is a terrible series.
They're making Stanton out to be a friend of Abraham Lincoln. They were always at cross-purposes. Stanton was large, had a long beard and a very iconic look, unlike his look in this series. In the series they're portraying him as the man of action.
Stanton was accused of doing a lot of underhanded things.
The bedroom where Lincoln died was a lot smaller than portrayed. Lincoln's bed was mostly pushed up against the wall on the far side.
Mary Lincoln never called her husband Abe.
John Wilkes Booth was chastised for killing Lincoln in the press and mostly what he saw were terrible articles about himself.
I never heard that the family guard was given a disease from their uniforms.
The producers of this series wanted so much to include period pieces that they didn't even show the posters, boxes etc as brand new as they would have been in 1865.
They used a lot of colloquialisms that I'm pretty sure did not exist at the time.
I doubt that Western Union, which was started in 1851, was nationally recognized by 1865.
Where is Tod Lincoln in this series? He was 12 years old during this time and Mary Lincoln did not let him out of her sight.