Absolutely amazing. If anyone says anything bad, ignore them. This show is absolute gold.
The main character, Uncle Grandpa, by show name, is supposedly everyone's uncle and grandpa. His goal is to help kids around the world, in any kind of trouble they're in. Now don't get me started on that, that's literally an amazing character.
Uncle Grandpa has his friends, Pizza Steve (a pepperoni pizza slice with sunglasses), Mr. Gus (a green dinosaur with a tank top), Belly Bag (a fanny pack), and Giant Realistic Flying Tiger (by name). They help him with his journey to help kids around the world, also living together in an RV.
Now a lot of people hate this show because it's so "weird" and "annoying." But that's the point. It's supposed to grab your attention, to pull you in with other things happening so it doesn't get boring. It's supposed to provide you with other characters to make you interested and enjoy it. And a lot of the people who say it's bad, are usually older too. I won't complain, anyone can watch kid shows, but do keep in mind it IS for children. It's supposed to grab the attention of younger audiences, so that's why it's seen as "too much" to older audiences. Another thing I've seen is that the characters, Pizza Steve in specific, puts a "bad influence" on children. Although Pizza Steve is a rude, snarky character that lies a lot, he teaches kids a lesson. Many times when he has lied, he has apologized and said that it isn't okay to lie, in one episode him saying that he realized what he has done and admitted to lying, saying that lying to your friends isn't worth it. A lot of the things he does isn't good, but then half of the time he shows kids that it's wrong. He is rude for a reason, because it's his character, and if everyone was the same in the show it would be getting a lot more hate. It's true, though, that I don't suggest letting little audiences rely on Pizza Steve and look up to him (don't assume I'm hating on him, he's my all time favorite!!)
The show has good messages overall, one episode being were a girl doesn't want to do her homework and wants to be a superhero, so Uncle Grandpa turns her into one. She does heroic deeds, but gets tired easily and wants to discontinue. She later on has to fight the "boss," which is her math homework, in which she succeeds and goes back to her normal self. She realizes that doing her homework isn't that bad, and that people have it worse, and that overall..you should do your homework.
Almost every if not all the episodes where Uncle Grandpa helps children shows a message throughout. Sometimes they're harder to see, but it overall spreads positive messages.
In some episodes, there is no message at all. And that's okay. Sometimes it's just entertaining, like Uncle Grandpa and his friends going out on a journey or Uncle Grandpa and his friends getting ice cream.
The show is entertaining, with millions of characters with different personalities and crazy, waky, and message-learning adventures they go on. Every character is different, and they all balance each other out.
Overall, the show is amazing. The characters are amazing. EVERYTHING IS AMAZING.
Pizza Steve is the best idc