Terrible show. Please do not watch. Lots of verbal and physical abuse. The main lead Sai is on one side against so many of the chavan family. Her story is so sad and terrible loss in her life yet the writers bring no joy in the story. They continue to hide terrible and illegal crimes and ultimately the blame the maid lead Sai for all their issues. Please end this show. For two years we are seeing this horrible dysfunctional love traitor going on. As for the make main lead he is made totally spineless. He leaves his wife for a criminal and then eventually marries her. She hates his daughter his own flesh and blood and he is ok with it. Her role in his show is so pathetic and weak. She is such an insecure, mentally obsessed women. The writers continue to not bring in a new male lead for Sai and continue to show her life as miserable and unimportant even though she is highly educated and strong.