Wanna start off by saying I love mortal Kombat and I have since a kid I've played all of them and I've been loving the new games like crazy since 9 that being said this feels like the laziest release that we've gotten to date multiple bugs and issues on release wonderful story other than that lackluster options when It comes to other game modes aka invasions which is literally the exact same as towers except your character moves around no krypt and with the amount of time they had to make the game and the seeming promise to add something different made me think they were going to actually have a game mode or something that adds excitement after the thrill of just doing fight after fight wears off the absence of that after all of the hype surrounding and being built up was very disappointing honestly just felt like the game could have been done alotb better as one if the top titles for the it honestly just feels like they are pushing a game out to keep the shareholders happy I'll end it by saying I am still a big fan of mortal Kombat and will be playing this game but I am extremely disappointed in it