I'm most of the way through season 1. It is watchable, even though it really didn't catch me in the first episode or so. I enjoyed the siege of London, but they act as if we should automatically care about the characters just because they are on the screen it seems like often times. It's almost like season 1 episode 1 was written more like a mid season 3 or 4 episode if that makes any sense. I would not say the acting is at all bad, but I feel the writing doesn't lend the actors opportunity to catch the feeling the original vikings show brought. I also clearly notice the severe lack of an almost mystical symbolism that was a staple of the original series that I always admired. I would describe this show as having the theme mostly correct but completely missing the heart of the original show that I loved so much. There are definitely no Ragnars or Aethelstans or Bjorn Ironsides or Flokis or Lagerthas or Ivar the boneless. Closest to a likeable character I find is the guy that looks like a Viking Matthew McConaughey. Harald something. Lol