It's just... bad. There's really nothing I can say at this point that hasn't already been said a million times by millions of other people, but I at least wanted to throw my voice into the ring and let it be known how disappointed I am. This show is such a monumental letdown. It truly is an awful, nearly unwatchable abomination in every way, and the only reason I'm giving it two stars rather than the one I feel it honestly deserves is because it delivered some great landscape shots of Middle Earth in the Second Age. That's it - that is *all* this show did for me. It was clearly made by ideologically poisoned opportunists who thought they knew better than Tolkien himself, and it really shows. The show just feels like a gross facsimile of his world, and my god is it boring. I'm harsher than most when it comes to faithfulness to the lore, but the dozens upon dozens of lore-breaking changes could almost be excused if the show were exciting and engaging... except it isn't, at all. I'll reiterate: RoP has been the letdown of the century so far, and at this point I'm down on both of my knees just begging Amazon to let this ill-conceived obscenity die. Please for the love of all that is Tolkien, just cut your losses and STOP. Do not make more of this show. I wish I could un-watch what I've already seen.