The director of "Ethir Neechal" has long been renowned for his captivating storytelling abilities. However, in recent times, the serial has been escalating beyond control, causing annoyance and anxiety among viewers, including myself and my family. We have noticed a significant amount of negativity within the show, particularly in its portrayal of female characters. The girls are depicted as cowards, lacking strength and agency, and Adira's forced marriage storyline was perceived as nonsensical.
As viewers, we often seek inspiration and learn from certain incidents portrayed in television shows. However, when such distressing scenes are depicted, it raises concerns about how a common person would handle similar situations in real life. It is crucial for the serial to break barriers and empower its female characters by showcasing their resilience and determination. By portraying the girl's unwavering spirit and taking legal action against those who forced her into an unwilling marriage, you would have effectively addressed the issue and provided a more empowering narrative for viewers.
Furthermore, it is evident that the actress playing Janani lacks both boldness and acting skills. Therefore, I strongly urge you to consider replacing her with a more confident and talented performer. The impact of her acting is negatively affecting the entire crew and compromising the quality of the show.
By addressing these concerns and making the necessary changes, you can restore the essence of "Ethir Neechal" and provide viewers with a more positive and empowering viewing experience.