Spoiler Free Review!!!
Terrifier 3 was kinda average throughout the middle compared to 1 & 2 but it had a nice ending. What I feel like it’s missing is the 80s style horror vibe that 1 & 2 had, the music, camera filter quality, and atmosphere captured in the other 2 and even in Stream were unmatched and even though you knew it was made in the current era it still felt as though it wasn’t. I also feel like what made the OG’s superior were the lack of budget, I feel like the $2M budget wasn’t really needed for this movie and that it would’ve been better with the absurdity/creatuvity of a low budget production.
Overall it was a decent movie, 6.5/10, Stream was better than T3 IMO but they’re both worth the watch and I’d recommend both🔥had a nice time at the movies🤡