The documentary is a good one, but in many ways it feels like a way for Sarma to clear her name and get herself in the spotlight using Netflix. They did not challenge her or ask her any difficult questions. She quite clearly justifies this by painting the whole thing as being a cult brainwashed victim except that it really doesn't make sense. Her dog's immortality is important enough to defraud investors and screw over her staff? As someone with a similar educational background its pretty clear she understood what she was doing was wrong. It, therefore, just doesn't make sense. It seems more likely based on her comment that Shane / Anthony whatever always seemed to win while gambling and her last chatty phone call with him that this was their way out of their financial difficulties and they were trying to buy some time in order for her husband to win enough money gambling to get them out of the financial difficulties. Her lack of remorse is a dead giveaway - she didn't care about all these people she was loaning money from, or had to pay and this documentary is simply her way to paint herself as victim / not culpable.