Although I am only on the first episode of the forth season, I just wanted to say that this show is so beautiful. So far the growth in each and every single character has been amazing. I do agree with some reviews and at times it can be slow but I understand the slow points. People have to understand almost everything you watch has a slow point in it. My Hero Academia shows the young and weaker people out there that with enough time, effort and if you believe that you could do anything that you put your mind to.
The main characters that I would like to explain are Kachann, Deku, and Todoroki.
Starting with Bakugo, or Kachann, most people don't like him because of his behavior but they also don't think about all the things he has gone through thought out his life. That is all I am going to say about that because I don't want to put in any spoilers. Yes, he may seem like a total jerk but that is because that is how was raised so he doesn't see anything bad in how he acts.
Next is Deku. From the very beginning of the show he is a very, emotionally speaking, weak and child like. People view him as the cry baby that never should have been given a chance. what those people don't care to think about is at a very young age he was messed up. Again I am not going to go into that because of spoilers. But to me Deku being bale to express how he is feeling without even a second thought, that is amazing! Most men, at least that I have from the ones I've met, are not able to ever really express their feelings to anyone but themselves. They are so afraid of being judged. Thanks to Bakugo and Deku's relationship, Deku is able to cry or laugh or smile without being scared of being judged and I think that is amazing.
Lastly, I want to say something about Todoroki. Some people say " boring character"..." not needed for the plot line" . Personally I don't think either of those things are completely not true. He may be just a side character in the beginning but he is VERY important to the plot and to the show. I am not going to go into depth about all of that though.
In all I would say that this is an amazing show and those of you that love drama, action, something to make your heart jump out of your chest in and good way as well as some heartache. This show would be one that I would recommend to you!
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.