I having get alot of confusion in this freaking industry! Is that this bit#@% are making movies for family audience or any kind of perv#%@% audience? Well this gov is being so dum so this what they are allowing this bit@%@% to make such films. As a film story writer i feel so disrespectful through out the story vision and feels so disgusting when i watch this freaking movie visual. As a writer how this freaks can make such movies to publish on theater? This kind of bloody local bitc@%@%@ are brainwashing this new gen kid's through this kind of bloody local movie's.moreover so many scenes this movie had is completely unnecessary even this freaking team trying to promote some kind of mental issue's yea it can imagine if a person lost his sense then this kind of local disgusting movies will form as like this🤢👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻 Never do such kind of fatherless behavior freaks.... Awwww mental's 🤢💯