A chilling story about a young girl who is accused of witchcraft because she does not belong. The film contains beautiful imagery and cinematography, offset by the disturbing practices of exploitation and imprisonment of innocent women. In this film, a young girl is accused of witchcraft and taken to a witch camp, where she is inducted by the elders as a member and a witch. She is forced to wear a ribbon that keeps her bound to the fields where she is supposed to work. The only time this ribbon is moved is when she is taken to solve crimes using her witchcraft. After her first success, the man who brought her to the witch camp begins to use this to exploit her and use her to grow his career. She is emotionally abused in many ways, like when someone lets her go to school only to rip her away shortly after she begins. This is an extremely moving film that depicts a fictional telling of a real-world problem. Witchcraft accusations are still common in places like Ghana, where witch camps are places of refuge for accused women. Modern-day witch camps in Ghana leave women without a safe place to stay, safe water to drink, or any guarantee of food.