1 star for visual beauty alone, 1 star for creativity of new machines and weapons as well as minor additions like paraglider and focus pulse. Otherwise, this game is far less enjoyable to play than HZD. Short version, the devs were over ambitious and so traded writing, diverse environments and situations, and smooth fun game play for a huge relatively homogeneous map, added game complexity with poorly functioning mechanics, lackluster plots and character development, and tedious time sinks to artificially claim the game is hundreds of hours of game play. Hours of play accomplishes very little, so you need to have a ton of free time. While HZD was such a joy, FW is a tedious slog.
Long version:
Time sink was the worst bit for me. In HZD, hunt and gather as you go and you'll get powerful weapons and armor in time and craft as you go in the wilds. FW requires a lot of part farming just to make weapons useable and unlock some mod slots, looking for new merchants since there is no ware consistency, and taking time to go to workbenches. Fighting machines is tedious, not hard, just tedious. Shoot a part and they all swarm even if you're in grass 100 ft away. They attack constantly without much telegraph, so you dodge around like crazy which is easy but dizzying. Variants of machines (ice, fire, etc) are hard to see visually, so have to scan them, but many times you were auto put into combat so no time unless you dodge around a ton for an opening to scan, which doesnt slow down time and makes aloy walk even on mounts. Not hard, just tedious, especially since you are generally quite underpowered. I started just avoiding combat, although stealth barely works. Admit that HZD enemies were too stupid and the whistle too good. Devs over corrected, enemies find you in grass 100 yards out after a headshot kill. Can't stealth kill mounted enemies have to snipe them, but then everyone finds you or has very long search times while you sit and wait. Tedious. Story and side characters are boring and uninspired, skip through most cut scenes and dont bother with collectibles. Aloy herself is less developed. First game shd learned and grew, and used her smarts as much as skill. This game she comes across as arrogant and overconfident loner, literally walking out into a killing field challenging one on one fights (pure luck she doesnt become an arrow skewer). These traits are fine at first given her experiences but the devs never have her learn and develop. Mechanics were not smooth. Melee combos often didnt work, mounts get stuck on every rock, and climbing is janky. Weapon upgrades takes forever only to find new slightly different versions of the same weapon that overlap uses with other weapons and have seemingly random bonuses to them. Skill tree plus being underpowered strongly pushes you to just use a few specialized weapons and skills rather than your whole arsenal (as youd then be a weak generalist) which gets repetitive and boring. In HZD, cultural differences were a joy to explore. FW, you can waltz into a tenakth settlement just like any other and people behaved similarly towards Aloy no matter what...just was quite a let down after so much hype about Utarus and Tenakth. In the end, the fun parts of HZD - exploration, story/mystery, fast combat - were less fun in FW and the unfun parts of the game - farming, crafting, repetitive tasks and fetch quests, waiting on enemies to stop searching, dodging around, etc - were amplified. Sometimes bigger and more complex isn't better, and stunning graphics is not a replacement for story and gameplay.