This movie is so much better than original! It almost perfect! Zack Synder definitely should be lead a DCEU, This is best 4 hours movie I ever watch in my life! I still wish they keep a
intro scene and Batman intro scene, Flash talk to Batman about "people are little slow" and Batman say "I try to keep up", Flash "Did he just left us?" After cyborg left them in batmobile, Flash and cyborg conversations in digging grave, Superman good line "You won't let me live, You won't let me die, Does it need you? Tell me, Do you bleed", Cyborg "Booyah"
I really wish they keep those scene and line
But either way, Zack Synder Justice League is the best! Hopefully if they make ultimate edition of Zack Synder Justice League, they should put back what I want them to keep. This movie is really good! :)