Had four central plots at times hard to distinguish. I liked the film and plan on seeing the next. The scene at the end was promo for next film but kind of failed to show a cohesive progression. Need to be left wanting. Really liked this from historical stand point. The indigenous the military the settlers all warring against each other. The difficulties of trying to establish a new life in a hostile land. Showed the reality of the materials they had to work with. The hardships the elements they had to suffer through. Basically just what it took to survive. Really liked the view of the Indians. They had their own culture, their own way of life and we robbed them of that and then depicted them as salvage. They are people just like us and a way of life just like us. We have never supported that. I’m old. One of my Grandmothers was a documented pioneer. The other Grandmother was full blooded Indian. This movie makes may heart hurt for both