This doesn't even deserve o n e star. Ok,ok. If you'e not thinking about it, you probably don't mind these mean/racist stereotypes like one of them in this book that "asians can't pronounce their I's and R's." It's very rude. They make it sound like Asians are illiterate. Same with Leona, they made her talk stereotypical too, if you know what I mean. This book is rather offensive to anyone with the extra time to think about this book. This is no just a "heart-warming novella with diverse views," this is a mean book that is mocking other ethnicities and races. I just wish they'd not use these stereotypes like for Leona, Sae Young, and Curtis. And the fact that we had to read this and class, and the assignment was to CORRECT SAW YOUNG'S SPELLING! That is so rude! Like- come ON! I- I just can't with this book. They try to cover up this hidden racistness, but to me it's pretty clear. u-u