Personally, this movie made no sense. At first it was this boy attempting to overcome his fear of the dark then turned into “my POEM will save us!” then some time traveling monsters with a random kid named TYECHO saved the day like what (within last 15 minutes btw)? The movie is so rushed that it abandoned the original plot, I’m pretty sure the writers were half asleep while writing the plot. And *SPOILERS* Dark was so sensitive for no reason? getting all sad and emotional over ONE kid saying that he’s scared of the dark? Dark and the other entities have been around for 5000 or 5 million years (it says it in the movie). You’d think that Dark would get used to kids not liking him. Did none of the entities think that MAYBE Dark is needed?? and that THEY are also important?? Overall, the movie sucks, wasted my time, I only recommend watching it if your drunk or something. Favorite character: Sally because she had like 2 lines.