Boring terrible waste of time.
I thought it couldn't be that bad with such a great cast. But stealing scenes from other movies and not making them better is awful.
A movie stinks when I win every bet with my hubby on calling things right every time.
Iris is a hallucination. His daughter is the pregnant astronaut. She is pregnant by the black captain. Someone will die while on the space walk because they play that stupid song Waaay too long and everyone is having too much fun. The earth is destroyed by Trump supporters because they didn't believe Greta about global warming being a serious imminent threat
Oh, sorry, I lost one bet. But they didnt explain what the event was, and why they had underground shelters to evacuate to. Why NASA didn't send them messages about what was happening. Only the pilots wofe gets to send a message about where they will be and what is happening.
Lastly the thing that makes this stink is it didn't give us a film with a real story with people we cared about, not like Moon, not like Interstellar or even Gravity. Who cares about any of these people?