"Kalki" had all the makings of a great epic fantasy film - an intriguing premise, stunning visuals, and a talented cast. Unfortunately, the first half of the movie failed to deliver on its promise.
The opening scenes were slow and plodding, with long stretches of exposition that felt like a history lesson. The main character, Kalki, was introduced with much fanfare, but her early scenes were marred by clunky dialogue and a lack of character development. The plot meandered along, with too much repetitive exposition and not enough action.
But then, something magical happened. Around the halfway mark, the movie suddenly shifted gears and became the epic adventure I had been waiting for. The action scenes became more intense, the plot twists started to surprise me, and Kalki herself transformed into a compelling and complex heroine.
The second half of "Kalki" was a thrilling ride, with stunning battle sequences, heart-wrenching drama. If you're willing to sit through the slow start, you'll be rewarded with a truly unforgettable cinematic experience.
Overall, I'd give "Kalki" 2 out of 5 stars. While the first half was a struggle to get through, the second half made up for it in spades.