The exact ways this Is offensive in way neroitypicals can understand because some neroutypicals lack the skills to determine if actions are offensive
First abile casting she casted abilebodeied Allistic Maddie zegelr for the role of a high support needs autistic person that's like if I hired a kindergarten to write an essay abilbodied people Don't know much about how disability work second the set dising autistic people have sensory sia seemed to forget this 3 blackface 4 promoting dangerous restrint methods 5th music has had chratcter development also inspiration porn 6th racseism 7th working with a hate group autism speaks is a hate group 8th maybe your just a bad actor to all the autistic actors and actress that I am avlable 9th she used out of date tremonlgy like low functioning 10th the entire movie is abilist racist and autism speaks the movie maybe listen to the autistic community allistic fools who think music is good autism represention