I have just watched S10 episode 8 and I have never been more infuriated with the way Kody has spoken to Meri on their 30th Wedding Anniversary.
What he needs is a good kick in the bo***cks. Who on earth does he think he is. He had her literally begging for his approval and love without any glimpse of Hope is sight.
What she needs to do is kick him to the kerb and let him concentrate on the behaviour of his older sons with Janelle during the pandemic outbreak.
He is acting like a spoilt child because they rebuffed his hope for a single home living arrangement and he has to arrange his time around his wives rather than the other way around.
You chose this life Kody Brown now grow up be a MAN and live it.
Full support for Meri and Christine from me. They need to stick together and be SISTER WIVES not SISTER SLAVES.
Otherwise very interesting programme and I usually love it but Kody is just not the Gods Gift he portrays himself to be.
These women are strong women not just baby machines!!!!!!
The story is told in the title of the show being changed from MY FOUR WIVES to
As the Sisters grow stronger the more Kody Brown has to say about dis function of the family!!!!!!