It's a self guide book which can help a person to take care of the every moment .
The thing that compelled Eckhart Tolle to write this book was this that, he was fed up his life , his life was colorless , replete with hardships and adversities and we know better that problems are self made , when the writer got this if my life is colorless so just I'm accountable for this , I have to do something , I have to uproot my egregious thoughts about life . So when he gets this that I I'm responsible for being he commences working upon himself and eventually figured it out .
And his life becomes colourful and prosperous . Later on , on account of this he intended to write a self guide book to make aware people about their misdoings , dramatizations and sluggishness .
This book is actually upon •PRESENT MOMENTS • what we do , we do it in present , and in reality past and Future don't exist, all works we do , we do those in present . Present is a gift that's what we call it ( Present) .
Here are the key points of this books which I highlighted .
1 . The mind is a great instrument but the only condition that if u use it in positive way , It will assist you solving your problems , but if you use it in negative way it will be harmful for you . So it's up to you.
2 Your can control over your mind by using it in positive way .
3 Realization : if things get worse or you are doing some bad activities then the only thing that can extricate your from this dilemma that's truly REALIZATION.
4 Time is a great healer , Use it in positive way and take care of every moment