This is a really buggy game. The menus are confusing and seem smashed together. All the maps are unbalanced with usually one side with an advantage. Warzone is a disaster even in menus and needs to be balanced by having LESS players not more. Loadouts dont save etc. just check the streams!! They report all kinds of issues. DMZ had high hopes but it was shattered by making people have to devot their lives to just get one mission done due to how many are on a map at a time. Overall 1.5/5.0. The weapons are fun i like that theyre bringing vehicles into the game but the coop features SUCK. The multiplayer SUCKS. And the campaign is MAYBE a 2.0/5.0 only because it is visually stunning. Buy the next one or just buy cold war or modern warfare 1 its literally all the same. I prefer battlefield 1 now. Its amazing. You guys wont be disappointed with battlefield 1. Call of duty makes me wanna gouge my own eyes out with a paper clip.