Jai Bhim! What a movie! A landmark one! It was heartbreaking to see how the marginalised are brutally victimised by the mainstream, by inhuman system of caste inequality and the police brutality. Also, it was so heartening to see the triumph of truth in the end thanks to a conscientious lawyer, a teacher, a social worker, judges, a police officer, communist comrades and the unwavering fighting spirit of the wife of the victim. Surya was mindblowing as a lawyer believing in the ideologies of Dr. Ambedkar, Periyar and Marx. Hats off to the writer, director T J Gnanavel and the producers Jyothika and Surya for making an amazing movie based on a real-life incident of the justice prevailing in support of the oppressed against the police and the state machinery championed by Justice Chandru. Loved the ending where the little girl emulates Surya which says a lot symbolically! More such movies are the need of the hour!