The welcome mat figuratively speaking was not rolled up in regard to Miss Ballerini’s writing, recording, and producing genius.
Literally, “Patterns” is 2024’s: musical masterpiece. A seminal recording that simply cannot be understated as a definitive moment in pure unadulterated artistry.
Miss Ballerini, may have been one of Time magazine’s 100 to Watch in 2023…however the year is now 2024, and with all due respect to said academies and associations the one to watch is now: “The One”. Nominations, and slights will now concur to what rightfully should have been previously bestowed to this artist: a gramophone award.
Bellbottoms, and dead poets shall now acquiesce to: Patterns. A body of work of such significance and importance that it simply cannot be denied. The tracks that previously bled still continue to bleed. However, the blood now blent is the grist of a life lived thus far. A life that has won, lost, and loved. A life; that is reflective but continues to flourish. A life, that reminds “we” the listener of…ourselves.
The one to watch, is now the one to listen to.
The GRAMMYs await. I’ll alert the media. MIC DROP.