As I was ranting about this show tonight my husband pulled up an article he had read earlier in the day from George RR Martin on adapting to shows. In it, he spoke (And please forgive me, I am paraphrasing after reading the article myself) of how screenwriters want to take a book and make it “better” make it their own, most times in detriment to the show itself. I whole heartedly agree with him in the making of this show. It frustrates me, that why, with such a beautifully told story, a show needs to take a book and make it completely its own. YOU HAVE A PERFECTLY GOOD SCRIPT TO GO OFF OF.
With that being said, I enjoyed the show. It kept me entertained, and told an interesting storyline. I look forward to season two, and hope that we don’t go so off of the rails again.
Ps: Ravi would NEVR jump on a train and run away from Pip (and his problems)