Hands down the best film I have ever seen. No other film could ever compete with this masterpiece. I learnt a lot from this movie It completely changed my outlook on the way I treat people, especially tall people. I wasn't aware of how hard life is for them, and I am so ashamed by how I used to treat them.
The film follows the story of a teenage girl, Jodi, who struggles to deal with the daily oppression she faces as a Tall person, specifically a Tall Girl. Everyday she is ridiculed for something she can't change, she didn't choose to be the way she is, it's just who she is. It must be so hard for her and other people like her.
Whenever someone asked her "How's the weather up there" it broke my heart. I almost burst into tears when she said "you think your life is hard? I'm a Highschool junior wearing size 13 Nikes. Men's size 13 Nikes. Beat That." It's truly heartbreaking, and I think it's so wonderful a film like this is bringing light to the issue of discrimination against tall people. Spreading awareness so other people like her don't have to feel so ashamed and embarrassed of who they are.
Throughout the movie we really see her character development. At the beginning off the film she is a shy closed of girl, but overtime she gains confidence in who she is as a person and doesn't let her height define her as a person. She learns to embrace herself and not care about how others view her, because she knows who she is and realizes she's more than just a "tall girl".
I think her speech at the end of the movie was super important. " I get it I'm tall... It's the thing that's haunted me my entire life. Its defined me, but I think its time I come up with a new definition. I'm So much more than just a tall girl, I'm a sister, I'm a bestfriend...I'm smart, I'm fun and I've made mistakes...I play piano, and I'm really good at it. Being tall is actually what makes me, me. I like me, you should like you. We're all good enough, and once you realize this no one can take it away.. Keep asking me how the weather is... Because the weather up here is pretty great."
Together we can learn so much from her speech. It is so inspiring and teaches us that we shouldn't be ashamed by our identity, we are who we are and we should embrace it.