Overall it’s okay. This is the first game I’ve played since gen 4. I grew up with Pokémon since the beginning well over 20 years ago. It seems that the gameplay is much easier than the games that I played prior. The tasks arent really tasks. You just go to the main character person and follow them. You could literally not read any dialogue and play through without much confusion. The battling is much easier as well I completed all 8 badges with just two pokemon. No need for anymore until you get to the end. The strategy part is gone in terms of choosing what Pokémon to use for whatever battle your facing. With that being said this game has introduced a lot of new gadgets and themes that make it enjoyable. The new setting format is cool. It’s also a relatively quick game. I got it completed in 24 hours of game time over a few days. Not sure if $60 is worth it for that quick of a game but I’m sure you’re paying for the extras that this game has to offer (none of which interest me really. I may just prefer the old school stuff more)