After Seven years of serving in iraq, i came home to my crackhead family and offered them my second lutenents severed fingers(i only had 3 fingers because thats all i could find in the grenade blast that killed him).2 years later my mother had 2 strokes which left her at a hospital for the rest of her life, being the only child, the only way i could pay for her medical bills were to rob a vape store in uzbekistan. i got caught because someone found my collection of indiana jones dvds in the back of the store owners nissan duke, i was sentenced to 4 years in prison for beating someone to death using my shark tale dvd and managed to stay put,in prison i managed to sneak in my laptop to play bin weevils, i would always hide my phone by hiding it in a hole behind my Mr tumble poster. Bin weevils has made me a better person, i later became a buddhist and shot up an elementary school in kentucky. they never found me as i now live in jamie foxx's gap tooth with only a toothbrush and a paper bag filled with alphabet spagetti