Racist. Backwoods. Elitist. Out of touch. Nutbag drivel.
I picked up a copy of Dr. Wiliam P Grady's "What Hath God Wrought! A Biblical Interpretation of American History" from a buy-by-the-pound thrift store in North Carolina.
It opens with a bunch of stories mostly rip-offed from "News of the Weird" to illustrate how far America has distanced itself from God. The writer then performs a series of mental gymnastics and conspiracy theory-riddled nonsense to claim the Bible talked about America in its pages.
It’s stupefying.
When I got to the chapter damning the 14th Amendment to the constitution, it was already well established that Dr. William P Grady is a racist through and through and would likely fit right in with today’s Trumpism beset by open card carrying racists attempting to “purify” America from its satanic multiculturalism.
Just before damning the whole of the then-popular “Promise Keepers” movement as one riddled with insanities and de-masculinating manure, he wraps up the book by telling everyone, presbyterian, methodist, catholic, non-denominational or non-believing … to get your butts in the pews at a hell-fire and damnation Baptist church.
This one way or the highway is why the church has been losing congregants for decades. This hellfire and damnation message is the second reason people are walking away. The message, without any form of proof, is taught as fact.
If you find this book in your hands, please read it with great voracity. Give it to a friend for them to read. This is the kind of entertainment we need to use to show just how silly these people really are.