This movie went absolutely barnacles. There was so much more and I mean so much more character development for Cyborg and Flash. It's true that Cyborg was the heart of the film and through out the movie unlike the Joss Whedon parody version of Justice League we feel that there is an absolute threat. Steppenwolf's design and ORIGINAL design is stunning and horrifying. He feels so much more fleshed out and as the movie goes on you start to feel sorry for him. Not only does this movie contain additional scenes that are 2+ hours but the scenes you might be familiar with that were in Josstice League were so much better and weren't filled with stupid lines and jokes all the time. There was a right time and place for the jokes in this movie, given it's serious, and gritty tone. The climax had me bursting into tears. This movie is an absolute must watch! Just imagine if all the time and money was spent on Zack Snyder's vision the first time around...