Not only is this the worst battlefield I have ever played (Since BF 1943) the game is full of bugs. For example loading a black screen and being stuck there untill reload. Another bug is loading the game and and being unable to move and having to quit the game. I am sure the bugs will be sorted, however this will not fix the fact the game as gone backwards.
The majority of the maps with the exception of maybe one or two are average at best and they haven't included a metro/operation undergo style map.
The game will place you in a half game for you to finish where it may then put you in another half game which is horrible.
There is little team work in the game and the feel of the game is completely different to any battlefield game I have ever played.
The vehicle are more behind than on battlefield 4 because of the lack of technology.
The servers are empty due to the fans leaving so you can be waiting to join a server.
The stupid super powers that are given to soldiers is poor, I really don't want to see spiderman and Superman on the battlefield and hate every aspect.
I bought the game recently as I knew the game would have bugs, however I didn't realise what a bad game it would be. I heard people complaining, however, people were complaining about BF5, I actually loved that game. What the development team should have done is made this game similar to BF 4.
The feel of battlefield has gone and so have most of the fans and it feels like they tried making it like COD.I do continue to play so it's not that bad, however I'm constantly disappointed and can confirm that this game is the worst BGF ever.