This game absolutely blew my mind.
No, building, no car driving, no gimmicks, just run and gun.
Apex legends is the new frontier in first person battle Royales, completely in its own league. It’s unlike any other battle Royale you have ever seen, and will most likely be the last one we will have. Apex legends combines aim skill, split decision making, movement and communication all in one fast-paced package. This game introduces a ping system, which allows user to communicate in all sorts of ways from each person’s perspective, making it easier to cooperate as a team.
Apex also has a very complicated and meticulous movement based system, allowing you to manipulate your character limitlessly to gain the competitive edge.
The guns in this game have incredible potential and power, when paired with the right attachments provided. Skilled players that master the recoils of top tier high risk/high reward guns like the wingman and r-99 will be able to deal a disgusting output of damage and will be able to completely shred through enemies.
If you are a beginner, you might wonder “is this game for me?”
My answer: Yes!
The whole game and GUI is so user friendly. I started September 2020, and I’m already rank 90. With over 30+ wins. It’s that easy to play! What I love is that the game gives you a tutorial on how to play before it puts you in easy lobbies, so you can mess around and learn your environment.
And when you master movement, positioning, and recoil, you might just be the Apex Legend!