If you innit for the story, don't buy it!
If your innit for the game-play, buy it!
The fighting game-play is pretty fun but the disappointment for me is the story. The settings is definitely amazing and once you get to truly explore, you having the feeling of grandeur as you begin the actual story, but after getting through 1/3 of the story, I just couldn't bring myself to finish it. that doesn't mean the game,s bad at all, by all means you should pick this up if you want it for the exciting game-play. But if your in it for the story like I was, I say get another game then this. the voice acting is drier than my grandmother and because of that, you don't care for the actual characters because of this. Though the story is bad, the history of how the world became a post-apocalyptic mess is interesting and fun to discover. Definitely something to discuss as a "What-Would-You-Do?" conversation.
over-all, pretty fun.