I originally gave this game one star. Coming straight from far cry five I felt this game was a major disappointment. Once you grind a little bit and get decent weapons the game actually gets more fun…then the game gives you a solid reason to not like it.
There are a lot of confusing moments where I really didn’t know how to proceed or or realized too late I did something in the wrong order. The game doesn’t explain a lot.
The sentry system is pretty broken, I can knife someone 2 ft away from another enemy and they don’t react; I can sneak from building to building and take a wrong turn and a sniper from 200m sees me and alerts everyone. Huh?
The guns you start with are nerfed trash and there are still moments now where I have to run away from an enemy I literally cannot pen with my ammo. I took down an entire outpost and an elite level cougar ate me right before I could get the cutscene. Okaaaay.
The intermissions are all jarring and take me out of the story. The decisions “I” make are stupid.
Overall, a little weird if you’re not huge on RPGs, worth it if you can get it on sale and have patience. I would definitely have dropped a star had I paid full price.