I found it a little too predictable. It always amazes me in a dramatization where the have the lead doing things no one would ever do. There was way, way too much of that in this series. Getting into cars, going into backyards at night, etc, just basically doing the things that are a set up for something bad to happen. I fast forwarded through many of the episodes. There is too many long-held shots, reaction, shots, close-ups of the lead characters face. I honestly think this could’ve been a three hour movie at best. The revelation wasn’t much of one, I had expected it from episode two . I also didn’t enjoy the actresses portrayal of the lead character. I found her too wide eyed and simpering. I wasn’t rooting for her, especially when she would go into dark and dangerous places unrealistically. Not a commentary on the actress, just on the direction of how to play the character. Since the novel was for young adults, perhaps the series skewed just for them as well.