I don’t understand why some people didn’t like TLoU2. Yes, the first TLoU was superior compared to it’s sequel but I think the sequel deserves some love too. The sequel was about Violence, Revenge, Obsession and much more. It was also Abby’s story too! I get that the ending was controversial and what not but I wouldn’t listen to what other people say, but it’d be best for you to pick the game up and try it for yourself. The game has amazing voice acting, AMAZING graphics, but also a fantastic storyline! You get to play as Abby in some parts of the game to understand her character, her storyline and why she wanted revenge in the first place. The game is very good and I suggest picking it up and giving it a go, especially if you love the TLoU series. If you don’t like it, oh well! But thanks for reading this review that was more or less a speech of some sort, ha!