A great cast, but a poor performance. Initially it started out slow and some parts were funny, but towards the end seemed very rushed and I had no idea where I was in the story. I also found this movie extremely racist. I completely understand the black history & things that have happened. But it seems so overused and is coming off as extremely offensive.
If the roles were reversed & a white family were refusing to accept a black person to marry their child, or if a black guy went with a white dad to the barber shop and the other white men in the barber shop had called him “black cuz” (as they refer to Jonah Hill as “white cuz”) Twitter would be in outrage, all actors would be cancelled and it’ll be front page of the news. Throughout the movie I kept thinking if roles were reversed it’ll be a completely different story.
It seems to be a thing of.. my people enslaved your people, so now we see you white people all the same and will mock you & YOU CANT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT.
When trying to protect black culture or shine light on it, it stereotypes and assumes every single white person is exactly the same, which in itself is racist.
Great cast, Jonah Hill seems to be a bit representative with his sarcasm and humour but a poor movie.
I’ll say this again, if Color’s were reversed. It would be labeled as racism. But because it’s the white people taking the abuse, it’s funny & nobody says a word.