Blue Boy

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The Message
The Message
Allahumdulliah, I found this book with interest.I thought of this book as a like any other book but I was wrong. This book was spectacular! You need to show this to your family members or friends about this book because mashallah! With the excellent sentences, it is easy to understand and the description makes you feel like you are actually there with the Messenger of Allah (SAW). After reading this, I feel like as if I was a sahaba of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).In fact it shines on his chronicles, skills, characteristics ,personality and habits (SAW) First of all, it shows you how was the world without Muhammad (SAW). It tells that the Arabs were very distant from the path of Allah. It shows you why Mohammad (SAW) was sent to the disbelievers. I learnt many new things and words too! The maps were helpful to represent the battles. May you all keep the author of this book in your duas. Of course, send durood to the Prophet (SAW) and assalam alykum
Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum
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