This film makes you feel for young Jeffery and the tormented perversion that he fell in too , nothing could really be innocent again for him especially in a normal relationship with a normal everyday wife from a sheltered family background, she could never understand him , this film is more real than a lot of people can imagine the acting was brilliant and the scenes set the mood for the difference in night and day and the difference in normal living in the same town in the same place there is a divide which when crossed over becomes like a drug a dream but is a very real scary violent dream that Jeffrey couldn’t keep away from , in the end he saved the day, but i wonder did he go on to marry and live an ordinary life after all the weird and brutal violence that the movie has him mixed up in , all I can say is the movie is brilliant beautiful and terrible in its sin city type dark nightmare of sexual violence and fear contrasting with all american girls and boys and innocent every day decency until it slips into the shadows and the vile perverted world that is hidden from most people quite often for all of their lives comes into view , David lynch is a realist and this movie is more real than you think ,.