Agree with all the low end reviews. Way too slow, too much padding out and too many plot holes. I had so much hope for series 3 with all loose ends tied up and after a tense court case Paul/Peter would be put firmly behind bars. But none of the above. What happened to poor Mrs Spector? Her kids were her world and yet she attempts to kill them? Not the character she was scripted to be at all. Perhaps she’s the one that ended up behind bars. Much safer than the clinic that her husband ended up in which was basically a rest home for the criminally insane (pool table included which provided useful weapons at the end when the cues and balls got thrown about the place!). It was staffed by care workers with no protective clothing or any means of defence (other than the aforementioned snooker balls and cues). No real security there at all and certainly no challenge for our lead man who can get past any locked door with ease as he has done throughout the series. Also the food there must have been good stuff as after major surgery he still manages to give a thorough thrashing to anyone who gets in his way. The end of this series should have climaxed to a spectacular finale, instead it just painfully fizzled away into nothingness. Shame. It had the makings of a really good series.