To put some criticism on a patriotic film is a hard job. Particularly the one which has brought more discussions and controversies for unrelated reasons, Oscar nomination!
All the technical parts of the film are par excellence and so also is Kaushal’s performance! All characters are given space and have given justice by some good acting. Full marks for that!
In my personal opinion, too many flashbacks are not helping the continuity. Also, at least 30-40 minutes reduction of the running time, would have made deeper impression on the mind.
I’m born post-independence but have learnt enough about British brutalities, JB included. The film has extensive and gory depiction of JB violence. I wonder if that much was essential for showing the psychological impact on Udham? After more than 100 years, isn’t it time to keep the past behind and to move ahead.
I always have same feelings about many other such films, trying to stun the viewers by some great cinematography and capture their emotions through violence.
On all platforms, the movies , serials show more and more violence and sex these days, thanks to Netflix, Prime and others. It’s for psychologists to say about impact of this on viewers, particularly young.
The messaging throughout this movie is taken to peak with JB projection. That’s history and true, unquestionably. Anyway, for right or wrong reasons, this film arouses anti-British emotions and in 2022, do we need those?