Awesome game if you plan on just playing single player, BUT Farcry 5 has the worst co-op I’ve ever played in my life. You both wanna use a plane? Sorry you are too far apart and the person who joined will keep getting kicked out of their own plane and you will spawn in the back of your friends plane or vehicle to sit their and do nothing for 20 minutes. You wanna try jumping out of the plane? Sorry the ground is too far away, be prepared to be teleported back EVERYTIME. You wanna get your own cars? You can but every time you get out of them for more than 30 seconds be prepared for them to disappear, Would you like the loot from all the people you just killed at an outpost? Sorry if you killed everyone it has to show you a montage of friendly people coming in, during witch it removes every person you just wasted ammo on so you have to loot them before you kill everyone. The 100m ball and chain they employ in the game so “you don’t get too far away from your teammate basically makes it so whoever joins your game can’t fly planes or helicopters, they can maybe sometimes drive their own car if they drive side by side and if they get out of range for more than 3 seconds immediate teleport to passenger seat of hosts car. Really annoying and kinda ruins the fun of a co-op game would never recommend for two players, but if your by yourself yeah it’s a decent 2-3 weeks worth of game