Unfocused patchwork. I love Michael Moore’s past documentaries. This would work better as a SERIES of shorter (30 to 40 minutes) works, each focused on 1 topic, environment, health, guns, electoral college etc.
And, I found the focus on the democratc party machinery completely unhelpful in the fight against the potus & repube congress- the gingrich/koch/trump/christian right/fascist/inhumane greedy lot & their clueless fans.
I respect Bernie & share his values. I have been a long time supporter but became deeply disappointed in him after the primaries. And at the same time became aware that I have never witnessed the Senator seriously working for important legislation in the Senate. If he did, it never succeeded in any important legislation. I came to the unfortunate conclusion that he has no proven skill, in all these years, of any ability to work with others to get legislation passed on behalf of the poor & middle class. I was disappointed when I witnessed that Bernie didn’t provide strong enough leadership once he lost the Dem nomination. He lost me at that point. (And I must admit that I thought it odd that never having worked for other dems, never having “paid his dues”, if you will, as a dem, might have been a reason the party didn’t welcome him with open arms! Hello! And after, he immediately returned to being an Independent. Well & good but expecting the dem mechanism to work on his behalf demonstrates naïveté.) His weak support of Hillary is a huge reason we are now on the brink of complete disaster. I believe his weak support of Clinton, encouraged Progressives to remain angry, bitter and withholding of their votes, to vote for stein etc.
Now, even if the narrow chance of trump being impeached or if he looses in 2020, trump remains for decades via kavanaugh, the other trump Supreme Court justice, the conservative packed federal court justices in place. trump remains in place as past positive hard win progress:legislation on the environment, the ACA etc. is in tatters.
Sadly, I am more than aware of the dems many imperfections. But, dividing dems is not the answer. DIVIDING US is a continued gift to the republicans/fox news/putin and the saudi princes. Stand together. Millennials need leaders who let them know, educate them that winning primaries & then going forward UNITED to win elections & then demonstrating the ability to work together & hard for positive legislation for us the people, is the all important goal. Michael needs to take care we don’t dig ourselves further into this nightmare. He needs to use his skills to UNITE US on our common goals, PLEASE.